A decade ago, I participated in a shamanic medicine wheel, receiving the Munay-ki rites in the Incan tradition. Many people were receiving guidance about what their work in the world would look like in future.
“Are you interested in oceanography?” the teacher asked me.
“I love swimming, snorkeling and ocean life,” I said. “But, no.”
“It must be a metaphor,” she said. “I see you helping dolphins give birth.”
That was just one of many stop-and-start moments, as I pursued two Master's degrees (creative writing and clinical psychology), lived in Tibetan Buddhist centers and ashrams, farmed and worked with medicinal plants, took about a thousand yoga trainings, connected deeply to the lineage of Ram Dass, and found my way to a feminine shamanic practice called Qoya that was an integral puzzle piece in this array of practices that fused into what can best be described as embodied devotion.
I guess it’s no coincidence that people who are drawn to this work are fairly dolphin-like individuals - creative, soulful, quick-moving toward freedom, and warrior-like in their ability to surf toward joy even through waves of trauma and struggle. They are also devoted to following their soul’s calling to contribute to the world in some way.
Is this you? If you resonate with this dolphin needing a midwife metaphor, I am delighted. I am here to support your soul’s calling to become more free, carry less along on the journey, and birth joy.