
Remote Sessions Incorporating Ritual, Mantra, Movement, Dialogue and Energy Work. Sessions can last 40-60 minutes, depending on the time needed.


Mandala of the Feminine

Eight Week Journey

8 Remote Sessions

Approach your relationship to the body and the earth as the greatest teachers. Move through sorrow, fear, anger, mining for their aspects of resilience, courage and wisdom.

WEEK ONE: Your Body, The Earth

Your body is the ultimate guide to accessing your potential and the map that leads you to truth. Here you anchor your journey. This is a powerful time to heal your wounding around being separate from earth, nature, and the goddess herself.

WEEK TWO: The Great Mother

What does abundance feel like in your body? What is unconditional love? How does shakti move and how do you experience her? What do you trust? What is the greatest purpose for your life?

WEEK THREE: Earth and Serpent Medicine

Here we learn to move heart and belly to earth, as we shed skins. The Great Serpent archetype has taught generations to move on from what is no longer needed.

WEEK FOUR: Water and Jaguar Medicine

Emotions are tremendous allies that lead us into the shadows. We emerge with clear boundaries, the ability to conserve our energy and leap into action at the right time.

WEEK FIVE: Sensuality as Medicine

Returning to erotic innocence unlocks the vast potential of a life of enjoyment, true sensuality, and embodying the divine.

WEEK SIX: Fire Element and Hummingbird

The heart is a powerful, beautiful and sometimes ferocious teacher. When you let her lead, you learn where real nourishment lies. You let go of the nectar that doesn’t ultimately satisfy in favor of deep true sweetness.

WEEK SEVEN: Father and Sky

What does a relationship with the holding element of space feel like? How does that make room for the active elements of life?

WEEK EIGHT: Wings and Eagle Medicine

How can an expanded perspective help with life’s details? What is true power? How do we surrender to the divine while acting out our life’s purpose and being agents of change in a suffering world?

To book please prepay $880


Venmo: @remyoga

One session per week by phone

*plus supplemental support materials


Mandala of the Directions

Five Week Journey

5 Remote Sessions

Embody the Four Directions and find your True North, that sensation of truth in your body. Sovereignty comes from trusting life, not transcending the human experience, but by opening to all aspects of living in and listening to your body.

WEEK ONE: Earth and Serpent Medicine

Here we learn to move heart and belly to earth, as we shed skins. The Great Serpent archetype has taught generations to move on from what is no longer needed.

WEEK TWO: Water and Jaguar Medicine

Emotions are tremendous allies that lead us into the shadows. We emerge with clear boundaries, the ability to conserve our energy and leap into action at the right time.

WEEK THREE: Fire and Hummingbird

The heart is a powerful, beautiful and sometimes ferocious teacher. When you let her lead, you learn where real nourishment lies. You let go of the nectar that doesn’t ultimately satisfy in favor of deep true sweetness.

WEEK FOUR: Receive Your Wings: Eagle Medicine

How can an expanded perspective help with life’s details? What is true power? How do we surrender to the divine while acting out our life’s purpose and being agents of change in a suffering world?

WEEK FIVE: Living within the Mandala

What does it mean to have your feet firmly planted on the earth and your crown open to divine inspiration? How can an embodied spirituality create practical life choices and relationships that nurture and honor the interrelatedness of all things?

To book please prepay $550


Venmo: @remyoga

One hour per week by phone for five consecutive weeks

*plus supplemental support materials


Wild Goddess Mandala

Seven Week Journey

7 Remote Sessions

The parts of your most enlivened, awakened self become personified in these archetypes in order for you to summon their medicine and integrate them on a mind body soul level.

WEEK ONE: Bhuvaneshvari and Bone Woman

Creating Space and Singing Over the Bones

WEEK TWO: Shakti and Skeleton Woman

Embodied Essence: How to Remember and to Become


Protection to Walk through Shadow


Erotic Innocence and Play

WEEK FIVE: Lakshmi and the Lotus

Worth and Power

WEEK SIX: Tara and Prajnaparamita

Integrity and the Luminous Heart

WEEK SEVEN: Matangi and Sarasvati

Recognize and Honor Your Unique Expression. Partner with the Eternal.

To book please prepay $770


Venmo: @remyoga

One hour per week by phone for seven consecutive weeks

*plus supplemental support materials